"An audience is like a broad. If you're indifferent, Endsville." -Frank Sinatra
The Kyoko date Info Page
What month is complete without the token insane piece of Japanese pop culture? The mission to the engineers and designers of Japanese talent agency HoriPro: create a computer generated, virtual "star," complete with life story. Is this the future of celebrity? God, I hope so.
I'm actually not sure how this got in my bookmark list. It's the virtual product to go with the virtual star. Mmmmm...that Fizzy's some good drinkin'.
Adbusters Culture Jammer's Toolbox
Most of the Adbuster's site is a little too politically correct for my tastes. For example, making fun of Nike is so dated. That was cool six months ago. And hey, I don't think TV is completely evil. I love the Toolbox though. It's a series of tips for manipulating media. It's a quick read, combining an MBA in Marketing and Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book!. Read it before The Man shuts it down.
"Jump back, Jack, or your skull is cracked!" Ahhhh...Dolemite. This wonder of blacksploitation from 1975 features Rudy Ray Moore as an "entrepeneur," orange fur suits and all, with an army of Kung Fu trained beauties. Check here for a really poor review of the movie by TV Guide. Worth seeing just for the dialogue and the rhymes, with gems like "I have some advice for all players. In your town make your own self the mayor."
Kittyfeet, Bomb, Michael Dean, etc.
One of my more interesting brushes with stardom on the web. Michael Dean, whom I briefly corresponded with after he read one of my puff pieces which mentions his old band Bomb, has a truly wacky thing going on these days. Actually, I met him long ago in Albuquerque, NM (where I grew up) when Bomb was touring and I hung out with a distinctly different group of folks. Kittyfeet is a sprawling, narcissistic opus. He'll probably be offended by this description, but it really is punk rock in HTML. Edgy writing and bizarro design. Plus, this guy's got some really entertaining friends.
The Exploding Macintosh Page
Those of you who read my rant about the Macintosh might think I hate the Mac. I don't hate the machine, mostly I hate the minority of overly vocal, obtuse, self important people who use Macs. The authors of The Exploding Macintosh Page hate the machine. In fact, they blow it up real good, using those techniques for destruction which all American males learn before their 18th birthdays. I like this site almost as much as that one where the guy makes incendiary devices out of toasters and Strawberry Pop-Tarts. Note to the kids: do not try this at home. Wait until your first year of college, preferrably out of state, so your parents only hear about it on the news. Oh yeah, another thing, kids: do not make atomic weapons with information you found on the Internet. It makes us all look bad.
Las Vegas City Life
Still, the city, baby. If I were to go on a trip to Las Vegas in the next few months, I would read a puff piece on the subject,
check to make sure there weren't any really huge conventions going on to interfere with finding a nice room, stay at The Mirage or Caesar's, or maybe the Desert Inn, and be prepared to do some serious chillling. That's precisely what I'm going to do.
Plaid Man's Fortune Server
Unlike the traditional cookie programs you find on the web, which are based on the UNIX "fortune" program, Plaidman claims all the fortunes on his site are from cookies he actually consumed. Eh. Whatever.
The Unofficial Jackie Brown Page
If you missed the movie...then don't look at this site. I don't even want to explain it to you.