
If you're here, then you've stumbled on to the place where unfinished links go to die. This means I ran out of time, patience or initiative to finish a planned link.
Do you feel cheated? I would. Ed's random link o' the year:

"My favorite aspect of the Gluey Brothers is their knack for writing precise - and hilarious - character sketches about people who are hardly heroic but somehow manage to win the respect of those who encounter them. Although the characters are outlandish and undoubtedly exaggerated, the Glueys give so many odd details about them, they all seem extremely real....... And though the Brothers obviously poke some fun at their characters, these folks for the most part have a raw sense of dignity about them that make them lovable.
-Steve Terrell (from a review of Stiff for the Elders) The Santa Fe New Mexican August 25, 2000.

Examine closely the GlueyGluey Brothers, Funk masters of the Southwest.

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