Procaryotes and Eucaryotes?
Procaryotic cells are found in bacteria and Cyanobacteria (Blue Green Algae). Eucaryotic cells are found in the majority of organisms.
Characteristic Procaryotic Cells Eucaryotic Cells
---------------- --------------------- --------------------
Nuclear Membrane Absent Present
Chromosomes Single, composed of Multiple, composed of nucleic acid nucleic acid and protein
Golgi, endoplasmic Absent Present
reticulum, lysosomes
Mitochondria Absent Present
Photosynthetic Apparatu May have chlorlphyll, but not Chlorophyll, if present,
in chloroplasts in chloroplasts
Ribosomes Small Large
Microtubules Usually absent Present
Flagella Lack 9 + 2 tubular Have 9 + 2 tubular
structure structure
Cytomplasmic Streaming NO YES
Cell Wall Murein No murein