Study Guide 4

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  1. What are the major components of blood? What are their functions?
  2. What are the major types of blood vessels?
  3. What are the four chambers of the heart and where are they located relative to one another?
  4. Describe the circulation of blood through the heart and the body (pulmonary and systemic systems.
  5. What are each of the following?
  6. Explain the process of blood clotting.
  7. What is the inflammatory reaction?
  8. Explain the process of antibody-mediated immunity (Blymphocytes, helper T-cells, clonal selection, plasma cells, memory cells).
  9. What are antibodies? What is their structure? How do they function?
  10. What are antigens? Haptens?
  11. Explain the process of cell mediated immunity (Tlymphocytes, helper T-cells, lymphokines, antigen presenting cell, major histocompatibility complex).
  12. What are the different types of active and passive immunity? How do vaccinations work?
  13. What are monoclonal antibodies?
  14. What are allergies? Tissue rejection? Autoimmune diseases?
  15. What is the anatomy of the human respiratory system?
  16. What are the processes behind inspiration and expiration?
  17. Explain the anatomy of the human digestive system
  18. What is the process of digestion? What are the roles of the pancreas and liver?
  19. Explain the interactions between the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems?
  20. What is the structure of a virus? Are they all the same size and shape?
  21. What is a bacteriophage? How do bacteriophages replicate (lytic and lysogenic cycles)?
  22. What is a retro virus and how does it replicate?
  23. How do DNA viruses replicate?
  24. How does HIV affect the human immune system?
From study guide: "This is a general study aid and is not intended as an exhaustive or detailed treatment of potential exam material. Study your lecture notes and textbook.

Edward MelendezBiology Documents.