This page will be a daily (or as daily as can be) record of various projects, psychotic episodes and personal whimsy. It will also serve as a testbed for ridiculous tags that I'm trying to figure out something to do with.
Worked on the javascript for the Las Vegas page. Easy to do, it was researching the factoids that was a killer. It was actually hard to find interesting facts about Las Vegas that weren't visual per se. You just _need_ to see that freaking city to belive it. Started this journal. Listened to Stan Ridgway singing "I Wanna Be a Boss" over and over again today. What a refreshing song. Watched the "Behind The Scenes" story of Milli Vanilli on VH-1. Where was I during all this? What was I thinking? That was classic Pop cheese. I hate it when I miss the truly crass.
August 25, 1997
Don't forget you want to see this movie: Conspirators of Pleasure. Sounds good, albeit "artsy." Another film to see:"I'm From Hollywood" The story of Andy Kaufman's wrestling phase. Completed Top Ten List 9:12 PM, while Alex told me about kneading pasta on ICQ.
August 26, 1997
Completed changes to Tamnet agreement page to reflect changes submitted by News Banner. Completed 11:10 AM. At 10:00 PM, began work on the "why I hate 80's chic" rant page. After I get the text cleaned up (I've got about 900 words now), I'll work on the "I'm glad the 80's are back" puff page. Schizophrenia as inspiration. Wait, that's a good thing, right? I'm actually fairly pleased with the rant. It started out a little dicey, but it's starting to sound like I talk, which can be funny. The luxury of writing down what I'd say before I say it is that I can root out and destroy my truly obtuse ramblings. Should go to bed now. Always leave yourself wanting more. Going to bed. 11:37 PM Must think of some clever visual themes for these pages.What will it be that will adequately capture the 80's? Damn, now it's 11:42 PM.Got hung up on what do for a theme for the page, fixing a typo on this one, and watching a wacky video from a band called (I think) Los Umbrellos. A quick Infoseek search turned up nothing. That doesn't mean much. They could have been nobodies 24 hours ago, right? That's what I'm talking about in I hate 80's Chic.
August 27, 1997
Still trying to find a visual theme for I hate 80's Chic. OK, I found an amusing Neowebscript that serves no purpose yet, but it amuse me enough to think I might be able to do something with it. 8:51 PM. OK, I think I have a visual theme. Some gif called hole. It's a somewhat nausueating color/pattern thing that reminds me of those bad surfer clothes they used to hawk then. Now, I'm struggling with how to make it all look like I want to. It's 10:39 and I'm tired from the gym today. I'm going to bed.
August 28, 1997
9:08 AM Some progress being made on The 80's. Still having a few problems with tables, etc., and damn if I'm not having lots of problems with vi this morning. Feeling a little stupid.
August 29, 1997
Did nothing. Cassie's birthday. Received my first crackpot mail. Start a page. It will be great.
August 30, 1997
Worked on Vegas page per suggestion from Mary Lynne that I enlarge the type slightly on the Vegas page. It actually did improve the readability of the page.
August 31, 1997
Working on the 80's page still. Trying to find an appropriate Buggles MIDI.
September 1, 1997
Completed the I Hate 80's Chic page. I need to get cracking on the "I Love The 80's" page. Skipped the MIDI. Also, want to have the Sorry page up and running. My idea is to have a place for all my incomplete links point to.
September 2, 1997
Cranked on the Shot In LA pages. Trauma. Created the Sorry page with the random URL NeoWebscript. It was a pain in the ass to set up. I think too may carriage returns muck it up. Met with Lynn, my boss, in from Houston. And it was good.
September 3, 1997
Beginning work on the final version of the Tamnet agreement. Will add an RFC-Compliant NeoWebScript for the last modified date. Completed 9:47 AM. Still need to come up with that 80's puff piece. Swanky.
September 4, 1997
What did I do today with the site? Apparently nothing.
September 5, 1997
Cleaned up a link to the controversial Mac Rant, so that it would be a little harder to find and be offended by. Don't hate me because I'm a coward.
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